The Faculty of Graduate Studies awarded the researcher Abdel Rahman Bedair a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration in response to his thesis entitled “The Reality of the Use of Information Technology and Its Contribution to Educational Management Decisions in the Education Directorates in the Provinces of the Northern West Bank”.
The study aimed to identify the reality of the use of information technology and its contribution to administrative decisions in the directorates of education in the northern West Bank from the viewpoints of decision makers. The study also showed the role of decision makers and the relationship between the use of information technology and the decision taken according to the variables (gender, age, Directorate, Experience, job title), (160) questionnaires were distributed among the decision makers between the head of the department and the deputy director and the director of education in eight directorates of education  in the northern West Bank governorates.(137) questionnaires were retrieved (85.6% ) Of the total number of Decision makers, and the number of people who did not complete the questionnaire are (23) people. The researcher used the descriptive method. The questionnaires were composed of (47) paragraphs distributed on four axes. The study reached the following results:
After analyzing the data, it emerged that the reality of the use of information technology in the directorates of education in the northern governorates of the West Bank is high by an average of 3.49 and by a standard deviation of 0.29. The total score of the administrative decisions in the directorates of education in the northern governorates of the West Bank with an average of 3.31 and a standard deviation of 0.42. It was found that the greater the efficiency of the physical and software components and the efficiency of communication, the more efficient the decision making of educational management.
The researcher concluded after discussing the results to several recommendations, the most important of which are the following recommendations:
• Activation of the strategic plan set by the Ministry of Education to connect all the directorates of education in the Palestinian governorates with each other and to benefit from the technical development work carried out in the directorates of education to serve the work of technical systems specifications of devices, servers and Internet networks.
• Linking all the databases of the Ministry of Education and integrating them into a central database through which decision makers can complete their work quickly and effectively with the determination of the powers of access to information for each according to his job location.
The committee consisted of: Dr. Ali Zuhdi as a main supervisor and Chairman, Dr. Ashraf Sayegh as a second supervisor, Prof. Yousef Deyab as an external examiner and Dr. Saedah Affouneh as an internal examiner.
At the end of the session, the committee approved the success of the researcher and recommended him a Master’s degree.

عدد القراءات: 104