The Faculty of Graduate Studies awarded the researcher Amani Jalghoum a Master’s Degree in Methods of Teaching Science in response to her thesis entitled “Educational Competencies and the Academic Self Concept among Science Teachers of Basic Stage from their perspective in Jenin Governorate”.

The present study aimed at measuring the extent to which the teachers of science in the basic stage possess educational competencies and their relation to the academic self-concept from the point of view of science teachers of the basic stage in Jenin.

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher developed a tool to measure the educational competencies possessed by science teachers in the basic stage in Jenin governorate, based on the previous literature, as well as the development of the tool of measuring the academic self-concept of these teachers, and found that the two instruments have a high degree of credibility and stability. The data were analyzed statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

The study revealed that the degree to which the teachers of the science of educational adequacy is high and the highest competencies of the teachers are the personal competencies, the competencies of the presentation of the content, the competencies of the educational objectives, the competencies of the assessment, the social competencies, the competencies of the planning of teaching, Respectively, while the components of the academic self-concept of teachers were as follows: personal perceptions, competence, self-acceptance, dealing with students, academic satisfaction, initiatives and risk-taking.

The results also showed a weak correlation between positive and positive medium between the degree of possession of science teachers in the basic stage of educational competencies and their academic self-concept, and there were statistically significant differences due to the gender variable in the competencies of educational objectives, assessment and social competencies for females.

The differences were statistically significant related to the age variable in the competencies of the management of the class and its organization for the benefit of those over the age of 30 years. The study also found statistically significant differences due to the variable of scientific qualification in the competencies: educational objectives, educational, The study also found statistically significant differences due to variable years of experience in the competencies: planning of teaching and teaching aids for the benefit of those whose years ranged between 5-10 years.

The results showed no statistically significant differences among the science teachers due to the gender variable in the dimensions of the academic self-concept, while the study found statistically significant differences due to the variable age in the dimensions: efficiency, academic satisfaction and the total score for those aged 40 years and older. The differences were statistically significant due to the variable of scientific qualification in the dimensions of: personal perceptions, initiatives and risk challenge. The differences were in favor of the Master's degree and above in the personal perceptions and in favor of the holders of the diploma degree after the presentation of the initiatives and the risk challenge. Due to the variable years of experience in the field of competence for the benefit of those who have exceeded their years of experience 10 years.

Based on the results reached, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and proposals, most notably the holding of training courses for science teachers in the basic stage to improve the competencies of scientific culture and improve their cultural knowledge in relation to the subjects they study as well as the competencies of preparing and using teaching aids, especially modern and electronic ones, And to provide a variety of scientific books suitable for the curricula of science taught by students in the basic stage and taught by teachers in the school libraries to provide scientific materials that raise the level of teachers' scientific culture and speak their information And entertain them with ideas to present their lessons in innovative and modern ways that increase student motivation towards science.

The committee consisted of: Dr. Mahmoud Shamali as a main supervisor and Chairman, Dr. Inas Naser as an external examiner and Dr. Mahmoud Rmadan as an internal examiner.

At the end of the session, the committee approved the success of the researcher and recommended her a Master’s degree.



عدد القراءات: 412