Dr. Mohammed Othman, Head of the Industrial Engineering Department at An-Najah University, participated in the Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2015) held in Hyatt Regency Dubai, UAE, from March 03rd-March 05th 2015.

Dr. Othman presented three papers:

1. The first paper entitled “An Assessment of Maintenance Management Practices in Palestinian Industriesco-authored with Dr. RamizAssaf, Dr. YahyaSaleh and Eng. Tamer Haddad from Industrial Engineering Department at An-Najah National University. In this paper, a pilot study was performed to study if industrial companies in the West Bank apply maintenance management practices. This research has shown that more work needs to be done to improve the level of adoption; mainly, increasing the awareness of top management and business owners about adopting modern maintenance management systems such as preventive maintenance and computerized maintenance systems.

2. The second paper entitled “Implementing Quality Management in Construction project”co-authored with Ahmad Rashed, holds a Master Degree in Engineering Management from An-Najah National University. The objective of this research is to study the implementation of quality management of construction projects in the West Bank, Palestine. A survey of 300contracting companies registered with the Palestinian Contracting Union (PCU) was conducted. Different recommendations have been suggested to increasemanagers’ perception about the use of total quality management in construction sector.

3. The third paper (POSTER) entitled “Integrating Human Factors into Green Logisticsco-authored with Lana Shahbari, a master student in the Engineering Management Program at An-Najah National University. This paper provides a theoretical framework about Human Factors (HF) that influence the driver's performance. As the result, this framework provides the basis for a modeling tool that facilitates the assessment of key human factors early in the process of designing a transportation network for cargo services system. Companies could take the advantages of using a green transportation network to help in carbon emissions reduction, cost reduction and to be environmental friendly. 




عدد القراءات: 73