The Faculty of Graduate Studies awarded the researcher Manal Hamarsheh a Master’s Degree in Methods of Teaching English in response to her thesis entitled “The Impact of the Bee Spelling Strategy on the 7th Graders Achievement in the Writing Skills at Jenin Distric”.

The committee consisted of: Prof. Nidal Jayousi as a main supervisor and Chairman, Dr. Osama Abu Baha as an external examiner and Dr. Suzan Arafat as an internal examiner.

This study aimed to investigate the effect of The Bee Spelling strategy on the seventh graders achievement in writing skills in Jenin district. Moreover, the study examined the effect of gender, academic qualifications and years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language, and sector on English writing proficiency among Palestinian seventh graders in Jenin governorate. A purposive sample consisting of 80 seventh grade English language teachers English language teachers in Jenin governorate in the West Bank was selected.

Telephone interviews were also conducted on an random sample of 20 seventh grade English language teachers, they answered questions related to the main research objectives.

The researcher used SPSS to analyze the data. The results showed that the seventh grade English language teachers had positive attitudes towards using the Bee Spelling Strategy on seventh grade students' achievement in the writing skills due to gender, qualifications and years of experience variables.

The researcher recommended that teachers are encouraged to use The Bee Spelling strategy in teaching writing skills in order to develop and improve the students' ability in writing skills. It also proposed for further researchers should be conducted on the new teaching strategies.

At the end of the session, the committee approved the success of the researcher and recommended her a Master’s degree.


عدد القراءات: 607