The Faculty of Graduate Studies awarded the researcher Fares Azzam a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration in response to his thesis entitled “Reality of Implementation of School Portal Project (E-School) in the Government Schools in the Directorates of Jenin Governorate”.

This study aimed at identifying the reality of applying E-School portal project in governmental schools in the directorates of Jenin district. And identifying the effect of the study variables (gender, age, qualification, years of experience, computer training courses, and occupation) on applying E-School portal project. To achieve the study aims, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method. The population of study included 240 headmasters and headmistresses, 4200 teachers. The questionnaire was distributed to (148) managers and managers, (352) teachers and teachers, and the percentage of recovery (90%).

After analyzing the data, the researcher came up to the overall level of applying E-School portal project was medium (69%).

There was no significant differences at ( =0.05) in the responses due to gender. There were no significant differences in the first, third, and fourth domain due to age. Namely, knowing that there is an E-School portal, using E-School portal, the effectiveness of using E-School portal.

There was significant difference in the fifth domain. Namely, challenges of using E-School portal in favour of the age (31-40) according to the qualification variable, there was significant difference in the second domain: the ability to use the E-School portal. The difference was in the favour of the respondents who have the master degree or more according to years of experience variable, there was significant difference in the fourth domain in favour of once who have experience for more than 6 years.

According to the training courses variable, there was significant difference in the second, third, and fourth domain in favour of those who had 3 or more courses. There was no significant difference in the first and fifth domain due to training courses variable. Namely, knowing that there is an E-School portal, challenges of using E-School portal.

According to the occupation variable, there was no significant difference in the third, fourth, and fifth domain. Namely, using E-School portal, the effectiveness of using E-School portal, challenges of using E-School portal, but there was significant difference in the first and second domain in favour of headmasters.

The researcher camp up to the following recommendations: The ministry of education should stress on the awareness of the importance E-School portal, and Organize training courses to all those who are supposed to use E-School portal.

The committee consisted of: Dr. Saida Affouneh as a main supervisor and Chairman, Dr. Rabee Eiteer as a second supervisor, Dr. Mohammed Dabous as an external examiner and Dr. Ali Habayeb as an internal examiner.

At the end of the session, the committee approved the success of the researcher and recommended him a Master’s degree.

عدد القراءات: 393